Hello there! I'm James. I'm a software developer working in Cambridgeshire, England.

Take a look at some of the things I've made or written about, or have a look at my github account.

You can contact me at

Latest Projects (see all)

  • Yap: Yet Another Parser library for Rust

    Yap is a small, well documented, dependency free library to help you parse strings and slices by extending the Iterator trait with a bunch of parser-combinator style methods. It tries to keep out of the way, and gives you everything you need to return detailed errors at every step.

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  • Angu: A JavaScript library for building mini-languages

    A small, zero-dependency library that can be used to build and evaluate mini-languages in the browser or in NodeJS. You have complete control over every operation performed, and this library takes care of the nitty gritty of the parsing and such.

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  • Weave: A CLI HTTP Router/file server

    A small CLI router that can merge several HTTP and file endpoints behind a single host/port under different paths. Built to enable quick hacking together of client files and APIs during development.

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Latest Posts (see all)

  • A React Developer Tries Svelte

    After spending the last couple of years working primarily with React on the frontend, I was introduced to Svelte and was compelled to give it a go. Here are some of my thoughts.


  • Rust: Fun with Function Traits

    In this post I'm going to work towards writing a function that can accept and work with closures taking variable numbers and types of arguments. On the way, I'll look at trait families, and a way to avoid overlapping impls.


  • Notes on Postgres

    Various snippets of useful information and examples for PostgreSQL
