Rust: Fun with Function Traits 2020-09-26

In this post I'm going to work towards writing a function that can accept and work with closures taking variable numbers and types of arguments. On the way, I'll look at trait families, and a way to avoid overlapping impls.

As a refresher, when we want to pass functions around in Rust, we normally resort to using the function traits Fn, FnMut and FnOnce. The function type fn(foo) -> bar can also be used but is decidedly less powerful.

I'm not particularly concerned about the distinction between those traits here (the rust book covers that), but to sum it up:

  • Things that impl FnOnce can mutate and consume (take ownership of) the values they close over when they run, and so can only be run once.
  • Things that impl FnMut can mutate the values they close over when they run, but not consume them.
  • Things that impl Fn can only immutably borrow variables when they run.

Anything that implements Fn also implements FnMut and FnOnce. Anything that's FnMut also implements FnOnce. Closures and functions automatically implement these traits based on how they use the variables that they close over.

If you're writing something that can be handed a closure, It's often preferable to accept anything that implements the FnOnce trait if you are able, falling back to FnMut if you need to call the function more than once, or Fn if you can't mutate things. This gives as much flexibility to the person defining the function as possible.

Anyway, a very simple example which takes advantage of a function trait might look like this:

fn run_twice<F>(f: F, input: usize) -> usize
  F: Fn(usize) -> usize

Here, run_twice takes a function of usize -> usize and an initial input, and returns the result of having applied that function twice.

We can make our run_twice function more widely usable by making the function argument and return type generic:

fn run_twice<F,T>(f: F, input: T) -> T
  F: Fn(T) -> T

Aside: a nice property of this is that we are being less specific to the function about what its arguments will be, and so the range of things that the function can do with the arguments is reduced (this function can't alter the T's itself, for instance, whereas the less generic version could have altered the usizes).

Using this looks like:

run_twice(|n| n * 2, 2);
run_twice(|mut v| { v.push(true); v }, vec![false,true]);

If we need to be able to do certain things with our T's, we can constrain the input and output of the function to requiring certain traits be implemented on them, here Debug:

fn run_twice_and_log<F,T>(f: F, input: T) -> T
  T: std::fmt::Debug,
  F: Fn(T) -> T
    println!("Before: {:?}", input);
    let after = f(f(input));
    println!("After: {:?}", after);

As well as built-in traits, we can also require that our own traits are implemented on the inputs and outputs:

// Return the name of the type as a String
// (`Any` provides similar functionality)
trait TypeName {
    fn type_name() -> String;

// Some implementations on types we want to be able to inspect.
// We could use macros to help generate these for many types.
impl TypeName for usize {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl TypeName for String {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl <T: TypeName> TypeName for Vec<T> {
    fn type_name() -> String {
        format!("Vec<{}>", T::type_name())
impl TypeName for () {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl <T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName> TypeName for (T1,T2) {
    fn type_name() -> String {
        format!("({},{})", T1::type_name(), T2::type_name())

// Allow some basic introspection given the above:
fn inspect_function<F,T1,T2>(f: F)
  F: Fn(T1) -> T2,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName
    println!("This function has the shape: {} -> {}",

inspect_function(|n: usize| n.to_string());
// -> This function has the shape: i8 -> String
inspect_function(|mut v: Vec<_>| { v.push(10usize); });
// -> This function has the shape: Vec<i8> -> ()

Is there a way to allow our inspect_function to accept functions that take a variable number of arguments? If you'd asked me a few months ago I'd probably have said no, but traits in Rust continue to surprise me, so let's see how we can do this.

More Traits

If we want to work with a collection of different things in a uniform way, we look towards traits. So, what if we could do something like this:

// Write a trait which all function types we're
// interested in must implement:
trait Describable {
    fn describe() -> String;

// Use this trait to allow different function
// types to be provided:
fn inspect_function<F>(f: F)
  F: Describable
    println!("This function has the shape: {}", F::describe());

We'd just need to implement Describable for different shapes of function and job done! Let's have a go at one such implementation:

impl <F, T1, T2> Describable for F
  F: Fn(T1) -> T2,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName
    fn describe() -> String {
        format!("{} -> {}", T1::type_name(), T2::type_name())

With this in hand, we are roughly back to where we started; inspect_function can describe simple 1 argument Fns.

Well, actually we're worse off right now, because the above doesn't actually work..

error[E0207]: the type parameter `T1` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> src/
50 | impl <F, T1, T2> Describable for F
   |          ^^ unconstrained type parameter

error[E0207]: the type parameter `T2` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
  --> src/
50 | impl <F, T1, T2> Describable for F
   |              ^^ unconstrained type parameter

What's that all about? Well, I'm not entirely sure, but this RFC goes into detail about the reasons for disallowing things like the above. Fortunately, the fix is easy; we have to mention T1 and T2 somewhere in the impl line. One way to do that is to allow our Describable trait to take type parameters, so we'd have something more like:

trait Describable<Args> {
    fn describe() -> String;

impl <F, T1, T2> Describable<(T1,T2)> for F
  F: Fn(T1) -> T2,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName
    fn describe() -> String {
        format!("{} -> {}", T1::type_name(), T2::type_name())

fn inspect_function<F,Args>(f: F)
  F: Describable<Args>
    println!("This function has the shape: {}", F::describe());

Now, inspect_function will work as expected. We've added a type parameter Args to the Describable trait, and then we've "used up" any spare parameters by passing them to this, so Args becomes (T1,T2) in our single implementation above. We've also made inspect_function generic over Args as well now, since we'll need to pass them along to Describable.

What we've really done here is turn the Describable trait into a family of traits where each possible value for Args leads to a different concrete trait.

Trait Families

I'm not sure whether the term "trait families" is used by others, but it feels like a good way of thinking about traits that take generic parameters. Let's dig a little more into what you gain by using trait families in the first place.

If I have:

trait Foo {}

I can implement this for every type T by doing:

impl <T> Foo for T {}

But once I've done that, I can't implement Foo for anything else, because it's already been implemented for every type. Why not? Because we aren't (currently) allowed to have overlapping implementations of a given trait. If we did, the compiler wouldn't know which of the multiple valid implementations to use.

Even if I have some trait A and some trait B, and nothing implements them both, I can't write something like this:

impl <T> Foo for T where T: A {}
impl <T> Foo for T where T: B {}

Despite the fact that we know that these implementations don't overlap, the compiler doesn't. There's no guarantee that nothing will ever implement both A and B, and if something ever did, we'll end up with overlapping implementations again.

However, what I can do is to define a family of traits like so:

trait Foo<T> {}

Each time I vary T I have bought into being a new concrete trait to work with, and so this is perfectly valid:

struct One;
struct Two;

impl <T> Foo<One> for T {}
impl <T> Foo<Two> for T {}

In many ways, this is the same as just defining FooOne and FooTwo as separate traits. However, by using a generic parameter and defining Foo<One> and Foo<Two> instead, we are promising that the general shape of each trait is the same (they are all Fooey, even if the actual implementations differ). Perhaps more importantly, we also gain ways to talk about the whole family of Foo traits together, in a way that we can't with FooOne and FooTwo. In fact, because Rust has excellent type inference, we can often get away without telling it what the type T is in Foo<T>, and instead we can let the compiler work it out for us. As we'll see, this is super useful!

Let's look at a more complete example to see what I mean:

// First, let's define a couple of traits
// (with default impls for simplicity):
trait A {
    fn a(&self) -> &'static str { "A" }
trait B {
    fn b(&self) -> &'static str { "B" }

// Define a family of WhatAmI traits:
trait WhatAmI<T> {
    fn what_am_i(&self);

// Create a couple of arbitrary types that
// we'll assign to T, above.
struct One;
struct Two;

// impl WhatAmI<One> for all T's that impl A
impl <T> WhatAmI<One> for T
where T: A
    fn what_am_i(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.a());

// impl WhatAmI<Two> for all T's that impl B
impl <T> WhatAmI<Two> for T
where T: B
    fn what_am_i(&self) {
        println!("{}", self.b());

So, the above is sortof equivalent to having defined and implemented a WhatAmIOne and WhatAmITwo trait. There is no overlap, since they are separate concrete traits. However, because they both belong to the same family, we have a way to talk about them both at once in other places.

The following function accepts any concrete trait from the WhatAmI family:

fn say_what_i_am<W,T>(thing: W)
  W: WhatAmI<T>

The concrete value of W is constrained to be not just anything that implements a single trait, but anything implementing any trait from the WhatAmI family.

The real magic happens when we try using this say_what_i_am method:

struct IsA;
impl A for IsA {}

struct IsB;
impl B for IsB {}

say_what_i_am(IsA); // prints "A"
say_what_i_am(IsB); // prints "B"

The super cool thing here is that for IsA and IsB, which only impl one of A and B, the compiler can infer exactly which concrete trait from the family of WhatAmI traits to use. In other words, it knows that we must be referring to WhatAmI<One> when IsA is passed in, and WhatAmI<Two> when IsB is passed in! It can infer that this is the case because there is only one possible choice in each case.

If there was something that implemented A and B, we'd run into issues:

struct IsBoth;
impl A for IsBoth {}
impl B for IsBoth {}

say_what_i_am(IsBoth); // error!

Type inference fails now, because IsBoth now implements both WhatAmI<One> and WhatAmI<Two>. So, we have to help the compiler by telling it which of One or Two we want to use:

say_what_i_am::<_,One>(IsBoth); // prints "A"
say_what_i_am::<_,Two>(IsBoth); // prints "B"

So, what we have here is a way to avoid issues with overlapping implementations (we just stamp out a different concrete trait from a given family of traits each time), but retain some of the niceness of working with traits, because we can work with families of traits in a similar way, and rely on type inference to keep things simple.

Accepting variable arity functions using Trait Families

Armed with this knowledge, let's see how we can write a function that can accept closures with variable numbers of arguments.

This is where we'd got to before our digression into trait families:

trait Describable<Args> {
    fn describe() -> String;

impl <F, T1, T2> Describable<(T1,T2)> for F
  F: Fn(T1) -> T2,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName
    fn describe() -> String {
        format!("{} -> {}", T1::type_name(), T2::type_name())

fn inspect_function<F,Args>(f: F)
  F: Describable<Args>
    println!("This function has the shape: {}", F::describe());

// inspect_function(|n: usize| n.to_string());
//   prints "This function has the shape: i8 -> String"
// inspect_function(|mut v: Vec<_>| { v.push(10usize); });
//   prints "This function has the shape: Vec<i8> -> ()"

Let's implement Describable for some different numbers of function arguments:

impl <F,T1,T2,T3> Describable<(T1,T2,T3)> for F
  F: Fn(T1,T2) -> T3,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName,
  T3: TypeName
    fn describe() -> String {
        format!("({},{}) -> {}",

impl <F,T1,T2,T3,T4> Describable<(T1,T2,T3,T4)> for F
  F: Fn(T1,T2,T3) -> T4,
  T1: TypeName,
  T2: TypeName,
  T3: TypeName,
  T4: TypeName
    fn describe() -> String {
        format!("({},{},{}) -> {}",

This works because we are stamping out new concrete traits from our Describable trait family for every different set of function types (ie, the type (T1,T2) will never overlap with (T1,T2,T3) which never overlaps with (T1,T2,T3,T4)). Since inspect_function accepts all members of the Describable trait family, and inference can resolve which member to use in each case, inspect_function will work much like it did before, but accept more different function shapes:

inspect_function(|n: usize| n.to_string());
// -> This function has the shape: i8 -> String
inspect_function(|mut v: Vec<_>| { v.push(10usize); });
// -> This function has the shape: Vec<i8> -> ()
inspect_function(|a: usize, b: String| {});
// -> This function has the shape: (usize,String) -> ()
inspect_function(|a: usize, b: Vec<String>, c: (usize,usize)| { "hi".to_owned() });
// -> This function has the shape: (usize,Vec<String>,(usize,usize)) -> String

Awesome! inspect_function can take functions with variable numbers of arguments!

This approach seems to have good mileage from my experimentation; as long as the function types can be inferred, and there is only one valid implementation from a family of traits at a time (taking constraints and such into account), Rust is smart enough to infer which concrete trait to use.

One thing you may notice above, and run into if you try doing similar, is the amount of code duplication when implementing traits for various numbers of arguments.

To avoid some copypasta, we can replace the Describable implementations with a macro+usage like so (we have to tweak the string building in describe to make it amenable to this generalisation):

macro_rules! describable {
    ($( $($arg:ident)* => $res:ident ),+) => (
            impl <F,$res,$($arg),*> Describable<($res,$($arg),*)> for F
              F: Fn($($arg),*) -> $res,
              $res: TypeName,
              $( $arg: TypeName ),*
                fn describe() -> String {
                    let mut s = String::new();
                        s += &$arg::type_name();
                        s += ",";
                    s += " -> ";
                    s += &$res::type_name();

    => T1,
    T1 => T2,
    T1 T2 => T3,
    T1 T2 T3 => T4,
    T1 T2 T3 T4 => T5

Now we can easily implement Describable for any reasonable number of function args we'd like to handle.

I hope that this proves useful!

Below is the final version of all of our code. Thanks for reading!

// A custom trait to experiment with
trait TypeName {
    fn type_name() -> String;

impl TypeName for usize {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl TypeName for String {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl <T: TypeName> TypeName for Vec<T> {
    fn type_name() -> String {
        format!("Vec<{}>", T::type_name())
impl TypeName for () {
    fn type_name() -> String {
impl <T1: TypeName, T2: TypeName> TypeName for (T1,T2) {
    fn type_name() -> String {
        format!("({},{})", T1::type_name(), T2::type_name())

// A family of traits that can describe things
trait Describable<Args> {
    fn describe() -> String;

// implement the above for functions of varying arities
macro_rules! describable {
    ($( $($arg:ident)* => $res:ident ),+) => (
            impl <F,$res,$($arg),*> Describable<($res,$($arg),*)> for F
              F: Fn($($arg),*) -> $res,
              $res: TypeName,
              $( $arg: TypeName ),*
                fn describe() -> String {
                    let mut s = String::new();
                        s += &$arg::type_name();
                        s += ",";
                    s += " -> ";
                    s += &$res::type_name();
    => T1,
    T1 => T2,
    T1 T2 => T3,
    T1 T2 T3 => T4,
    T1 T2 T3 T4 => T5

// Finally, a function to show the Describable trait family in action
fn inspect_function<F,Args>(f: F)
  F: Describable<Args>
    println!("This function has the shape: {}", F::describe());

fn main () {
    inspect_function(|n: usize| n.to_string());
    inspect_function(|mut v: Vec<_>| { v.push(10usize); });
    inspect_function(|a: usize, b: String| {});
    inspect_function(|a: usize, b: Vec<String>, c: (usize,usize)| { "hi".to_owned() });